The leading kingdoms explored in the Dragon Age franchise are human – Orlais, Ferelden, and others. Humans are the most numerous and most powerful race of Dragon Age. Other races have their perks as well, but an Elf is a good option to start with. If you are an Elf, you can understand Elvish when it is spoken in the game, and if you are female, you qualify to be able to romance Solas. Other characters react to you slightly differently depending on your race, so choose carefully. As well as physical appearance, you must choose your character's warrior class, gender, and race. For the first time, the Qunari race is also playable, allowing players to experience the hulking race of horned giants.Ĭharacter customization is the first important decision you will make in your game. The human, dwarf, elf, and Qunari races make a return in Dragon Age: can choose the race, sex and class for your main character.